Margaret Turpin Trust

TA-mag-Margaret-Turpin-244x300Margaret Turpin Training Trust (MTTT)

Margaret Turpin established this trust in 1999, originally to further the training and education of staff of the Connect Therapeutic Community. In 2004 the Trust documentation was changed and any grants made from the Trust are now for the training and education of students in contractual training who wish to continue their studies to CTA.

Applicants for a grant of up to £250 may be from any area of TA training only, but they must be contractual trainee members of UKATA intending to study to CTA level, and the grant cannot be made to pay for main training costs.

As funds are limited applications will be assessed by the trustees, Julia Molony and Carole Stilwell, and will be decided on merit.

For further details and application form, please click here

Who was Margaret Turpin?

Margaret Turpin was a pioneer of Transactional Analysis in the UK and was instrumental in the formation of the ITA back in 1974, together with Michael Reddy.

She was in General Practice in the NHS and came across TA in 1972 through reading the book “Games People Play”, suggested to her by a psychoanalyst at the Tavistock Clinic. Margaret was so enthused TA that she entered a TA training programme with Warren Cheney – in Oakland, USA! Once she had qualified she left general practice to set up her own training/private client practice. Over the years she trained with Jacqui Schiff and the Gouldings. A highlight of her career was teaching TA 101 courses to General Practitioners at the Royal College of general Practitioners. She was involved with TA in the UK and Europe for over 18 years before retiring in 1998.

Margaret was keen to help those who were in training but could not afford the extra workshops and training that enhanced the learning of those who could pay for them. Margaret retired from involvement with the MTTT some time ago and sadly passed away in 2015. We are very grateful for her generosity and contribution to TA, and is sadly missed but always remembered.

Course Venues:   Exeter   |   Poole

Certificate in Counselling
