Karen Minikin | Psychotherapy Course Lead | Tutor

Course Lead on TA Psychotherapy Courses

TA 101 Workshop Certificate in Transactional Analysis Theory and Practice TA Advanced Psychotherapy

Screenshot 2021-08-26 at 12.37.37Karen has a clinical and supervision practice in Wellington, West Somerset. She teaches TA Psychotherapy at the Iron Mill, as well as visiting other TA teaching venues.

She has served on council and a range of committees with her national organisation and is currently a co-editor for the Transactional Analysis journal. 

She specialises in radical and relational approaches in psychotherapy and has offered consultancy on systemic processes related to power dynamics and diversity. Previously, Karen was a geography teacher of 11 - 18 year olds and a learning and development consultant. 

Qualifications: Qualifications: BA (Hons) Counselling, MSc Psychotherapy, Dip. Supervision (Psychodynamic), UKCP reg, Training and Supervising Transactional Analyst.

Role: Course lead on all TA Psychotherapy courses

Email: karen.minikin@ironmill.co.uk

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Course Venues:   Exeter   |   Poole

CC Start in Jan_1
