Marc Wallach | Advanced Diploma

Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling

As well as teaching on the ADC at Iron Mill, Marc has his own therapy practice offering Biodynamic Psychotherapy to adults. Marc Wallach

Marc’s real passion is bringing the body into the therapeutic process. He believes the stories of our lives are literally held in the body and show themselves in our posture, breathing, muscles, and relationships. He enjoyed his diploma so much, that following completion, he has gone on to be an assistant trainer for the London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy.

Marc has been a school counsellor, works at a school for children with emotional and social issues. His work is further informed by a lifelong passion of martial arts which helps to work with the innate startle pattern.

Qualifications: Dip Biodynamic Psychotherapy, PGCE, M/Phil/ MA; UKCP member

Role: Tutor on Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling

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Course Venues:   Exeter   |   Poole

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