Magic and Meaning - Expanding awareness in the therapeutic encounter

Weekend workshop | 3rd & 4th May 2025| Robin Collins | Exeter

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The therapeutic encounter can uncover experiences that are out of the ordinary, often relating to times of significant change. These are generally normalised as imagination, coincidence or hallucinatory but can also be viewed as occurrences of ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) visitation by spirits or angels or as archetypal and transpersonal. They are also sometimes regarded as having religious or spiritual meaning.

This weekend workshop will examine such experiences phenomenologically, without affirming or denying their reality. Traditional approaches and frameworks for exploring and “mapping out” this area of human experience can be used towards expanding awareness, developing sensory acuity, personal transformation and transpersonal integration.

This workshop will embrace creativity and empathy, within a framework of ethical integrative therapeutic practice.

This two-day CPD builds on the foundations of the earlier Magic and Alchemy workshop. However, it is possible to attend this CPD as a standalone

Why would someone want to do this course/workshop?  

This is a highly practical and experiential course, building on the foundation of the Magic and Alchemy workshop, though it is not essential that participants have attended this previous weekend workshop.   

There will be mindfulness exercises, creative visualisation, psychodrama and practical exercises.  Learning will be through group, small group and individual experience.  

Participants will explore insights from magical traditions, and learn techniques for personal and therapeutic change. 

Who is this event for? 

The workshop would be particularly suitable for trainee and qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, but also anyone who is interested in the transformational potential of magical technologies within a modern therapeutic context. 

Participants will need to bring an open mind, a willingness to engage in mind expanding exercises and creativity. 

Some previous experience of mindfulness based practices would be helpful but not essential. 

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Course Venues:   Exeter   |   Poole

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