BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling (Top up)

Full-time | 1 Year | Validated by University of Worcester | Exeter

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BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling  skinny

This 1 year 'top up' programme for qualified counsellors is validated by the University of Worcester, has Advanced Specialist Training Status with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS).

  • Allows qualified counsellors, including graduates of our Foundation Degree (FdA) in Integrative Counselling and Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling, to earn a University Honours Degree in 1 year of further study.
  • Encourages individual choice in the study and has a vocationally relevant and up-to-date focus.

Employment opportunities:
Our BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling is designed to enhance skills and knowledge with particular reference to employment and the development of specialist areas of interest. It provides the opportunity for advancement in a variety of counselling-related careers. Our graduates are people with the advanced theoretical and applied knowledge to make an impact on service provision.

Iron Mill College BA (Hons) in Integrative Counselling students are entitled to 50% discount on all CPD workshops while they study with us, and 25% discount on completion of their course as IMC Graduates. 

If you have an enquiry and wish to speak to a member of our team, please contact 01392 219200 or email Join our next open event, Click here to register.

Meet Serena, BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling Student and life long learner

Want to know more?

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Course Description

  • An innovative, fascinating and up-to-date programme which will allow students to develop an impressive professional portfolio of skills to take into employment and enhance their career.
  • Development of critical thinking skills and engagement with research literature and methods equipping students to thrive in a variety of professional settings.
  • Participants can develop their counselling knowledge and skills, write a research proposal on a chosen area and undertake a negotiated work-based learning project of their choice.
  • Encourages a wider view of counselling in the 21st century, including the exciting developments in the present and future of the profession.
  • Includes experiential and theoretical learning, with outstanding individual support from our highly experienced teaching team.
  • Graduates of our Foundation Degree (FdA) in Integrative Counselling can 'top up' their award and obtain a University Honours Degree in 1 year of extra study. We also welcome applications from other qualified counsellors (see 'Applications' tab below for eligibility criteria) - this course offers an excellent opportunity to refresh and update their professional skills.
  • Recognised as a full-time programme and eligible for Student Finance applications, teaching takes place one day per week at Iron Mill College in Exeter. During the course, participants are also required to undertake approximately 30 hours of work based learning, 20 hours of personal therapy and also continue their counselling practice (achieving a minimum of 50 counselling hours during the programme) with supervision to BACP requirements. Students will also need to allow time for independent guided study and assessment preparation.

What qualifications do you need?

To be eligible for this course you must:

  • Possess a Foundation Degree (FdA) Counselling award at Levels 4 and 5, meeting BACP supervised practice requirements of 100 hours minimum / an Iron Mill College Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling, or equivalent. Applicants not meeting this requirement will be individually assessed by the Programme Leader, and must provide further evidence of qualifications at Level 5 which:

- included at least 400 tutor contact hours.

- had a training duration of at least 2 years.

- had a supervised placement of at least 100 counselling hours.

- covered theory, skills, professional issues and personal development.

  • Students pursuing this route will be set an academic challenge to submit a case study and reflective statement of learning, which will be assessed against FdA level 5 learning outcomes and FHEQ level 5 descriptors. This will be assessed by the BA Course Leader, and applicants will also be asked to attend an interview.
  • Qualified counsellor and registered MBACP.  If you meet the entry requirements but do not have MBACP status you should contact us for further discussion with the HE Programme Lead.
  • A practising counsellor: students entering the programme must be qualified counsellors and must enter the programme with current counselling practice in place. The practice will be assessed by the college placement coordinator once the course has started, for suitability as an approved placement. 

Admission to the programme via RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)

Details of acceptable level 4 and 5 qualifications, and policy in relation to mature students or applicants with few or no formal qualifications can be found in the prospectus or on the University web pages. Information on eligibility for recognition of prior learning for the purposes of entry with advanced standing is also available from the University web pages or from the Registry Admissions Office (01905 855111).  See  Admissions Policy for other acceptable qualifications. 

For students who wish to enter the BA (Hons) programme via RPL: these are thorough processes of assessment, requiring clear evidence of prior achievement of the Learning Outcomes for each module at the required level of study. For information on eligibility for recognition of prior learning for the purposes of entry with advanced standing at Level 6, please contact the admissions team to arrange assessment via the School of Allied Health & Community at the University of Worcester.  Applications made via RPL close on 30 June 2024

Further information on Recognition of Prior Learning can be found at 

Admissions procedures  

1. Applicants to this full-time course apply through UCAS. The application must include a personal statement and references, one of which is required on the UCAS form and one of which must be supplied to the college. 

2. Applicants invited for interview must provide the following documentation ahead of their interview: 

  • Proof of academic achievement (scans of original certificates) 
  • Proof of identification (Birth certificate / Driving licence card /Passport)  

3. Students attend for interview (see details below)  

4. The University will send a letter to successful applicants confirming the offer, and requesting that the student completes the on-line registration.  

5. Students will be required to apply for an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate via the University following acceptance of a place on the course, for which a fee is payable. This requirement will also apply to students who already hold a DBS. 

Please note: 
Completion of this course does not provide a route to registration with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) and detailed individual applications to NCPS are required for this purpose, where applicable.

If you are interested in this course, you may wish to first book onto one of our online course presentations to find out more. Alternatively the Course Tutor would be happy to speak with you personally – please contact us if you would like us to put you in touch. 

What will you study?

IMIC3000: Advanced Professional Practice (30 credits)
IMIC3003: Specialist Work Based Learning (30 credits)
IMIC3004: Research for Counselling Practitioners (30 credits)
IMIC3005: Counselling in the 21st Century (30 credits)

Learning and assessment:
The programme is delivered via lectures, debates, presentations, audio-visual materials, group exercises, skills practices, process groups, reflective practice, and case presentation.

As well as attending timetabled teaching days at the college (1 day per week), students will spend time undertaking counselling hours, supervision, and work based learning, attending personal therapy as well as independent guided study and preparation for assessment (approximately 2 days per week). The total taught hours for this course are 227.5 hours over 9 months. 

Assessment is based on:

  • Case discussions
  • Work based report and presentation
  • Literature review
  • Essay

Attendance requirements:
It is expected that students will attend 100% of the taught programme and all additional requirements such as placement, supervision and personal therapy. Some parts of the programme relating to assessment have a mandatory attendance requirement, and where this applies it will be stated clearly in the relevant Module Specification.

BA (Hons) in Integrative Counselling (Level 6) with 120 credits.

Course & interview Dates

Venue: Exeter 

Starts: 18th September 2025.  Classes will be on a Thursday unless otherwise stated.  Please see the downloads tab for the full timetable.

Interview Dates:

Monday 28th April, 10:00-13:00
Monday 23 June, 10:00-13:00
Saturday 5th July, 13:30-17:00
Monday 21st July, 10:00-13:00

How much will it cost?

For the latest fees, please see the University of Worcester's course fees page here.

Further information on fees:
Course fees are set annually by the University of Worcester and all matters related to finances and fees for this course are dealt with by Student Finance. You can also contact the university for information and advice on funding, finances and fees, see their Money Advice web page or contact their Money Advisers at 01905 542551 /

This course is eligible for Student Finance applications for Tuition Fee Loans and Maintenance Loans as well as help with costs associated with dependent children. For further information see the Student Finance web page. 

As an enrolled University of Worcester student, you will be entitled to access a wide range of university information and library resources. This will include 'Summon', the library’s search engine, several million books, journal and newspaper articles, conference papers, dissertations and more are accessible to you for your studies. There are additionally facilities to borrow books and to buy used textbooks.

You will also be entitled to purchase an NUS Extra card, which entitles you to discounts in selected stores and on travel. See the NUS Extra web page for more information. 

Additional expenses:
This will vary depending on your own circumstances, but all applicants must make sure they fully understand the additional expense requirements they will need to undertake during this course. Iron Mill College is unable to contribute to any of these additional costs; they are met by the student. These costs may include: 

  • Travel and boarding costs.
    Purchase of books.
  • Coach trip to University of Worcester at the start of the course: approximately £15.
  • Personal therapy: approximately £30 - £50 per hour.
  • Supervision: supervision will cost approximately £30 - £60 per 1.5 hours for monthly individual supervision and approximately £20 per hour for group supervision.
    Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Certificate (previously known as the Enhanced CRB): £53.20. 
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance: approximately £35 - £90 per year. Discounts are available from some insurers for BACP members and monthly payment options are usually available.
  • Professional membership of the BACP: £166 per year for Registered Members (£186 for Accredited / Senior Accredited Members), or £83 at reduced rate for people who are in receipt of a state benefit or unwaged, with no personal income (£93 for Accredited / Senior Accredited Members).
  • An electronic audio recording device. The cost of these ranges from £15 - £20 upwards.

The Counselling Directory website can also help provide you with information on the average costs of supervision and therapy. 

How do I apply?

How to apply

If you have completed the 2 year Foundation Degree (FdA) in Integrative Counselling then please apply for the BA (Hons) course via your SOLE page.  All other applications are made via the  UCAS website.

The Course Code is: 52B8. 
The Campus Code is: A 
(Please note: This code is different to the Campus Code needed when applying for Student Finance).

Please also let us know when you have submitted an application to UCAS, by emailing Applications close 6-weeks prior to the start date. Applications after this date will be processed at the HE Course Lead’s discretion.

Please read the additional Information Pack for Applicants who are applying for entry to the BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling 2025-26 
Non-HE Application Process Iron Mill 2025-26_1

Applications for Student Finance are made at Student Finance England

Campus Code: 
Q (Please note: This code is different to the Campus Code needed when applying for the course through UCAS).

Why study this course - Dr Rachel Wood, Academic Director

So, you made it, you’re qualified with many hundreds of hours of study and practice behind you. Why go back and add a BA (Hons) to your CV? What will the extra year of training and study do for your practice? I’m pleased to be asked this question because it’s a subject close to my heart. Starting out in practice as a qualified counsellor is an exciting time, taking that step into a new career made even more satisfying by the hard work and challenge that went into getting there. I know that it can also be daunting; no longer a trainee the new graduate can feel out on a limb and very much aware of everything they don’t yet know. Good supervision, professional CPD and the support of peers are crucial elements in supporting yourself as you grow into your new career. These resources can be accessed in various ways, but it can take some effort to pull together the right mix of support and further learning to help you thrive.

The BA programme at Iron Mill is specifically designed to support qualified counsellors in all those areas. I’m passionate about resourcing counsellors to bring their much-needed skills and capabilities into the wider community. I’m also very much aware of what it takes to build a thriving practice and to sustain yourself as a practitioner. For those reasons, the BA course is designed, not just as a top-up route to an Honours degree, but also as an in-depth, extended CPD that builds on your prior learning and expands your skill set. The four modules studied through the year each provide a different focus of development for your practice.

  • Advanced Profession Practice looks at client work and develops the use of supervision through lectures, case study work and peer supervision sessions. Students just setting up in practice right through to those who have been working for several years find significant benefit in the opportunity for in-depth reflection on their client work.
  • Counselling and psychotherapy are increasingly research-informed professions, Research for Counselling Practitioners centres on developing a research proposal that aligns with each student’s particular areas of interest. Through hands-on learning, this module provides a grounding in research that supports the practitioner to critically evaluate new approaches and practical applications of research to their own practice. It’s also a great springboard for anyone thinking of going on to a master’s degree that will require a research dissertation,
  • Specialist Work-Based Learning is a project module providing the opportunity to develop additional transferable skills through negotiating a piece of work in conjunction with an organisation of the student’s choice. You’ll be supported to identify a setting that offers opportunities to develop additional skills to benefit your practice. The scope and focus of each project are designed in negotiation with the host organisation so that both student and setting benefit from the work. The module offers plenty of scope to support the student to develop specialist skills and boost their CV.
  • Counselling in the 21st Century takes a comprehensive look at the context of counselling, taking in the philosophical roots of the profession, developments in practice and future prospects. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on the development of your own practice and look at what you need to take the next steps in your professional career. The module touches on a wide range of topics including ethical practice, diversity, SCoPEd and approaches such as Ecotherapy, group work and Third Wave therapy.

Finally, aside from the benefits of a rich and progressive curriculum, the BA top-up gives students a unique opportunity to take their place in a community of practice. Each year group brings together a diverse range of qualified counsellors with differing levels of experience, training backgrounds and specialist interests. That creates a very special, supportive and dynamic environment to grow and develop as a professional

Further study with Iron Mill College:

Graduates of our BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling with appropriate academic qualifications and / or suitable levels of relevant experience, may also be eligible to apply for these other post qualifying courses at Iron Mill College:

In addition, our range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Workshops may also be useful to graduates of this course.

Employment opportunities:
Our BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling is designed to enhance skills and knowledge with particular reference to employment and the development of specialist areas of interest. It provides the opportunity for advancement in a variety of counselling-related careers. Our graduates are people with the advanced theoretical and applied knowledge to make an impact on service provision.

The programme provides links with employers through the placement and work based learning component. 


Is there an interview as part of the application process for the BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling? / What are you looking for at the BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling application interview?:

Applicants who demonstrate that they meet the eligibility criteria for the course will be invited to interview, before they can be offered a place on the course. Applicants need to demonstrate at interview that they possess the professional and personal qualities for advanced counselling training, as well as a good understanding of the expectations and commitments of the course.

Strong relational and communication skills are essential, along with maturity, self-awareness and self-reflective ability, and the ability to engage with the academic requirements of the programme. Applicants need to be at the right time in their own lives to be able to engage fully with this highly demanding training.

We will be looking for the following qualities (as identified in the BACP Gold Book 2009):

  • Self-awareness, maturity and stability
  • Ability to make use of and reflect upon life experience
  • Capacity to cope with the emotional demands of the course
  • Ability to cope with the intellectual and academic requirements
  • Ability to form a helping relationship
  • Ability to be self-critical and use both positive and negative feedback
  • Awareness of the nature of prejudice and oppression
  • Awareness of issues of difference and equality
  • Ability to recognise the need for personal and professional support
  • Competence in, or the aptitude to develop generic professional skills, including: literacy, numeracy, information technology, administrative skills, self-management skills, communication and interpersonal skills

I obtained an Enhanced DBS Certificate at the start of the Foundation Degree (FdA) in Integrative Counselling course. Will I need to undergo another DBS check when I apply for the BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling?:
Yes, all applicants of the BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling will need to obtain an Enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Certificate (currently costing £44) as part of the application process. The cost of this will need to be met by applicants and is not covered by Iron Mill College.

How much time should I allow for studying / what are the extra-curricular requirements on the BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling?:

The BA (Hons) Degree in Integrative Counselling requires attendance at college for one day per week for 1 year. It is, however, recognised as a full-time programme. This is because the course involves a high degree of self-directed learning as well as other commitments beyond the taught element of the course. The following represents an approximate guide to the time you need to devote to study:

  • Attendance at all timetabled teaching days: 1 day per week
  • Approximately 1 day per week in total, attending: counselling hours (you must do 50 counselling hours during the course), work based learning activities (around 30-50 hours in total during the course) and supervision (exact level determined by the number of counselling hours undertaken at any given time, but no less than 1.5 hours per month)
  • Approximately 2 days per week guided independent study and preparation for assessment

We have no guideline for how students wish to use their personal therapy hours, this will be up to the individual.  

What is the difference between 'counselling hours' (or 'placement') and 'work based learning'?:

'Counselling hours' (or 'placement') refers to the 50 hours of one-to-one supervised client counselling work undertaken during the programme. As qualified counsellors, students are expected to be in paid or voluntary employment as a counsellor for the duration of the programme, supervised to BACP requirements, and achieve a minimum of 50 counselling hours during the programme. You may choose to take an additional placement during your training to broaden your experience, and you will be provided with support and guidance should you wish to do so.

'Work based learning' consists of contextual learning relating to the Specialist Work Based Learning Module, which encourages the development of your learning in a specialist area of your choice. The work involves a negotiated project or agreed areas of involvement and responsibility with a relevant organisation, to enhance the development of your professional portfolio. There are no formal ‘hours’ requirements for work based learning, but you must participate in enough relevant work based learning to evidence the learning outcomes fully. We anticipate that this will mean 30-50 hours spread across the year.

How do I obtain counselling hours (or placement)?:

As qualified counsellors, students are expected to already be in paid or voluntary employment as a counsellor for the duration of the programme, supervised to BACP requirements, and achieve a minimum of 50 counselling hours during the programme.

You may choose to take an additional placement during your training to broaden your experience. We have a Placements Coordinator to support you through the process, providing access to the Iron Mill placement database, along with guidance and support with applications and references. 

We have many years of experience in building relationships with placement providers and Iron Mill students have a great success rate of gaining placements during their training. However, Iron Mill College cannot guarantee that students will be able to gain a placement, and to maximise opportunities students will need to be positive, confident, pro-active, flexible about the distance they are prepared to travel and flexible with the times of the week they are available for placement work.

We have also introduced annual Placement Fayres, where students will have the opportunity to network with local placement providers, therapists and supervisors.

It is possible for students to find their own placement within an organisation students have not previously worked within, although it would need to be approved by our Placements Coordinator before starting.

How do I obtain work based learning?:

You will be provided with clear guidelines regarding expectations and contracting requirements for the work based learning element of this programme. You will be expected to access a suitable work based learning opportunity of your choice. You will be given access to the Iron Mill placement database, which contains many organisations who may consider offering you an opportunity. You may also approach organisations which are not yet on the Iron Mill database. The Iron Mill Placement Coordinator will be available to support you in this process, along with your Academic Tutor.

Attendance requirements:

It is expected that students will attend 100% of the taught programme and all additional requirements such as placement, supervision and personal therapy. Some parts of the programme relating to assessment have a mandatory attendance requirement, and where this applies it will be stated clearly in the relevant Module Specification.

Additional frequently asked questions:

Our comprehensive general FAQs pages include answers to many other common questions, grouped into the following areas:

However, if you can't find the answer your looking for, or need further help or information, do not hesitate to contact us

Previous Student Testimonial

"I'm so glad I gave myself permission to stay on for the third year. My original plan had been to finish the Advanced Diploma and get stuck into working as a counsellor as soon as possible. I realised at some point in my second year that future-proofing my qualification with one more year of study was a good investment for me, and it meant I didn't have to explain the integrity of my diploma compared to another institution's, as a BA speaks for itself. It was the best decision for me. I loved the third year. The tutors were excellent and it gave me time to consolidate my practice, integrating theory philosophy and professional position into a much deeper understanding of the role I was about to take on.

Engaging in more training practise hours and personal therapy brought benefits to my growing understanding of myself as a person, and as a practitioner. The level of support and expertise in my peers who had committed to a third year really showed; the level of discussion and confidence was such a pleasure to be part of. The idea of continuing study to an MA and beyond isn't nearly as daunting now, as third year gave such a good grounding in what advanced level academia is looking for. It was worth every 5am start!"

Jane Wright, previous BA (Hons) student. 

Accredited by


BA (Hons) is Quality Checked by the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS).

This course alone is not a route to the Accredited Register 

NCPS_Training_Advanced Specialist

“A terrific learning experience and very enjoyable. You don't need to be an academic, plenty of hands-on practice.”
Ruth Cutts, Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling Graduate

Why Iron Mill College?

Iron Mill College offers accredited courses, academic standards, experiential learning, experienced lecturers with student focused training and classes.

Why Iron Mill?

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Course Venues:   Exeter   |   Poole